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Tennis Court Maintenance is to Clean and Sanitize The Court

If you own a tennis court, it is essential to keep it in top condition. Different kinds of tennis courts require different types of maintenance. Here are some of the steps you should take to maintain your court. Read on to find out how you can take care of your tennis court. And remember, the sooner you address cracks, the better. Cracks should be repaired as soon as possible to minimize damage and repair costs in the long run. A properly maintained tennis court will increase your performance and look great for years to come.

The first step to proper tennis court maintenance is to clean and sanitize the court. This requires frequent and gentle sweeping and watering. A soft bristled brush is best for cleaning a court. Never use hard bristle brooms on a court surface. It’s also important to use a soft, nylon broom on a hard surface to avoid damaging the texture. Other routines for cleaning tennis courts include sweeping, watering, and brushing. Some courts use aggressive grooming tools to clean debris. If there are pine needles or leaves on the court, they’re a breeding ground for mold and can stain it.

For outdoor tennis courts, drainage is often a problem. Make sure you have an excellent drainage system installed to direct water away from the court and into the surrounding ground. Drainage systems need to be checked periodically for obvious damage and debris. Then, sanitised fill should be re-applied. Keeping the drainage system clean and sanitized is essential for your tennis court. But if you don’t have the time or resources, hire someone to do it for you.

During the winter months, plows need to be used with care, since their blades are often sharp and can damage the surface of your tennis court. Avoid applying salt to the court, as it creates extra abrasion and can shorten its lifespan. In addition, tennis courts should be covered during heavy rainfall and treated with moss killer after the rainy season. Once these tasks have been completed, the surface of your tennis court will look brand-new in no time.

After a month, you should sweep the court surface to remove any debris that can stain it. You can also remove debris on the court surface by using a broom or blower. Be sure to avoid using your broom against fabric or padding because the exhaust can damage them. A soft bristle brush is recommended for sweeping the court. For spills, you can apply a mild detergent solution and scrub the affected areas.

Lastly, tennis courts should be inspected to ensure they are in good condition. Minor cracks or unevenness can be repaired with resurfacing. However, if the cracks or unevenness are severe enough, it might be necessary to redo the whole surface. If your tennis court is damaged structurally, you may have to replace it. A professional can assess the cause and correct the problem. If you have any questions, contact your Champion Grass company.

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